Using the Map explorer
You can use the Map tab to model out the infrastructure of your organization in SquaredUp. Workspace dependencies can be created and KPIs can be added to the Map.
Select or create a workspace that you want to start building the Map from, see Workspaces.
Browse to Map on the left-hand menu. You should see one node for the selected workspace on the map.
Hover over the workspace node and then click the + Add dependencies icon.
Add downstream workspaces:
Select a workspace or multiple workspaces from the dropdown to roll their status up into the selected workspace. You are also able to create new downstream workspaces simply by typing a new name in the box. Click Save.
The workspace or workspaces that you have selected will then appear below the initial workspace node on the map. You can then go into the workspaces that you have created and then create dashboards, add monitoring and KPIs. You are then able to add more downstream dependencies to the map by selecting + Add dependencies next to any of the workspaces that you have already added. If required, dependencies can be mapped to more than one workspace above them on the map.
Editing downstream dependencies
Select the workspace that you want to edit the dependencies of.
Browse to Map > Workspaces.
Hover over the workspace node and then click the + Edit dependencies icon.
Edit downstream workspaces:
Select additional workspaces from the dropdown to roll their status up into the selected workspace. You are also able to create new downstream workspaces simply by typing a new name in the box. You can also remove workspaces by clicking the X icon next to their name. Click Save.
Removing a dependency from the map
Select the workspace that you want to remove an associated dependency from.
Browse to Map > Workspaces.
Hover over the workspace that you want to remove and select − Remove dependency.
Remove workspace dependency:
Click Remove to remove the workspace dependency.
Optionally, you can also choose to tick Also delete this workspace to remove the workspace itself from SquaredUp, as well as all scopes and all dashboards associated with that workspace. Click Remove.
Adding KPIs and monitors to the map
The map will show associated KPIs and monitors for each workspace node. The KPI or monitor will appear on the map next to workspace node that it is for. The map can show multiple KPIs and monitors next to each workspace node. For more information about adding KPIs to workspaces, see KPIs. For more information about monitoring, see Monitors.
Viewing the map – workspaces
From the map you are able to:
Click on any of the workspace nodes, monitors or KPIs to drill down into their dashboards and other associated data.
If the selected workspace has upstream dependencies, hover over the workspace node and select Expand upstream to view all upstream dependencies.
If the selected workspace has downstream dependencies, hover over the workspace node and select Expand downstream to view all downstream dependencies.
Zoom in on the map by clicking the + icon.
Zoom out of the map by clicking the − icon.
Recenter the map by clicking the Recenter icon.
There are two filters that can be added to the map:
Show issues only – select this filter if you wish to view workspace nodes with issues only. Workspace nodes with issues will be displayed as red.
Show healthy monitors – by default, only monitors with issues will be shown on the map. Select this filter if you wish to view healthy monitors as well.
Viewing the map – objects
Select the Objects tab to view all objects that have been indexed with the associated workspace and their dependencies. From the map you are able to:
Click on any of the object nodes to drill down into their associated data.
Zoom in on the map by clicking the + icon.
Zoom out of the map by clicking the − icon.
Recenter the map by clicking the Recenter icon.