Use workspaces to model your teams and components, and the dependencies between them, to enable greater collaboration and knowledge sharing. A workspace may represent an application, a service, a component, a team… it's completely up to you. Each workspace has its own dashboards, data sources, monitors and scopes.
Each workspace has an overview page that you can access by clicking on the workspace name on the left-hand menu. There is a Workspace settings button at the top of each workspace overview page.
How to add, edit and delete workspaces
From the Settings > Workspaces tab you can view, add, edit, and delete workspaces.
Go to Settings > Workspaces > Add workspace.
You can also create a workspace by clicking + Create workspace after clicking on the dropdown next to the current workspace name on the left-hand menu.
Configure the workspace settings:
NameThe name of the workspace.
DescriptionOptionally, enter a description of the workspace.
TypeOptionally, you can give the workspace a type from the dropdown list. This can be used for grouping, filtering or searching, for example from the Organization home page, see Organization home.
TagsOptionally, you can give the workspace one or more tags from the dropdown list. These can be used for grouping, filtering or searching, for example from the Organization home page, see Organization home.
Restrict access to this workspaceYou can control access to workspaces by setting up permissions, where you can assign Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions to users or groups. If you do not set permissions when creating a workspace, then anyone will be able to view, edit and administer it.
Access to workspaces is controlled through an Access Control List (ACL), which is a set of one or more Access Control Entries (ACEs), each of which specifies the permissions for a particular user or group.
By default, Manage Access is set to off. The workspace can be viewed, edited and administered by anyone. If you would like to control who has access to this workspace, switch Manage Access to on.
Use the Manage Access dropdown to control who has access to the workspace:
By default, the user setting the permissions for the workspace will be given Full Control and the Everyone group will be given Viewer permissions.
Tailor access to the workspace, as required, by selecting individual users or user groups from the dropdown and giving them Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions.
If the user is not available from the dropdown, you are able to invite them to the workspace by typing in their email address and then clicking Add. The new user will then receive an email inviting them to create an account on SquaredUp. Once the account has been created, they will gain access to the organization.
At least one user or group must be given Full Control.
Administrator users are able to modify the ACL and delete the workspace.
Workspace access levelsAccess Level
User can view the workspace contents (dashboards, scopes, KPIs, etc.).
User can add the workspace as a downstream workspace for monitoring from other workspaces.
User can see the workspace and related objects in their scopes (i.e., to monitor the state of the workspace).
User cannot edit or delete anything within the workspace, including dashboards, tiles, scopes and KPIs. User cannot configure the workspace or its contents (e.g., change workspace name, change the ACL, configure notifications).
Editor User can do everything from Viewer level, but additionally can modify the workspace contents (dashboards, scopes, KPIs, notifications, etc.).
User can modify workspace properties, such as name.
User cannot modify the workspace ACL.
User cannot delete the workspace.
Full Control User can do anything with the workspace, including changing its ACL and deleting it.
Special access for administratorsAdministrators have special ‘administrative’ access to all workspaces. This means they see all workspaces listed under Settings > Workspaces, and they can modify workspace properties, including the ACL, for any workspace.
Administrators do not see all workspaces in the main dashboarding area of SquaredUp, and do not have any access to the contents of workspaces unless they add themselves to the workspace ACL.
SharingWhen Sharing is enabled for the organization the Sharing option is shown and can be enabled or disabled for the workspace. Sharing allows dashboards in the workspace to be shared with anyone. See Sharing
LinksPlease see Workspace linking for more information about links.
The Links section tells you how many other data sources and workspaces the new workspace will be linked to. Workspaces and data sources will automatically be linked to the new workspace based on their permission settings.
Select Show linked data sources and workspaces to view all of the data sources and workspaces that are linked to the new workspace.
You can remove linked data sources or workspaces by selecting x next to the desired data source or workspace.
You can add linked data sources or workspaces by typing their name.
Click Save.
Workspace settings can be accessed from the button at the top of each workspace overview page (accessed by clicking on the workspace name on the left-hand menu).
Edit the workspace settings. Either from Settings > Workspaces > Edit icon next to the workspace name, or by clicking on the workspace name on the left-hand menu and then Workspace settings.
Configure the workspace settings:
NameThe name of the workspace.
DescriptionOptionally, enter a description of the workspace.
TypeOptionally, you can give the workspace a type from the dropdown list. This can be used for grouping, filtering or searching, for example from the Organization home page, see Organization home.
TagsOptionally, you can give the workspace one or more tags from the dropdown list. These can be used for grouping, filtering or searching, for example from the Organization home page, see Organization home.
Restrict access to this workspaceYou can control access to workspaces by setting up permissions, where you can assign Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions to users or groups. If you do not set permissions when creating a workspace, then anyone will be able to view, edit and administer it.
Access to workspaces is controlled through an Access Control List (ACL), which is a set of one or more Access Control Entries (ACEs), each of which specifies the permissions for a particular user or group.
By default, Manage Access is set to off. The workspace can be viewed, edited and administered by anyone. If you would like to control who has access to this workspace, switch Manage Access to on.
Use the Manage Access dropdown to control who has access to the workspace:
By default, the user setting the permissions for the workspace will be given Full Control and the Everyone group will be given Viewer permissions.
Tailor access to the workspace, as required, by selecting individual users or user groups from the dropdown and giving them Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions.
If the user is not available from the dropdown, you are able to invite them to the workspace by typing in their email address and then clicking Add. The new user will then receive an email inviting them to create an account on SquaredUp. Once the account has been created, they will gain access to the organization.
At least one user or group must be given Full Control.
Administrator users are able to modify the ACL and delete the workspace.
Workspace access levelsAccess Level
User can view the workspace contents (dashboards, scopes, KPIs, etc.).
User can add the workspace as a downstream workspace for monitoring from other workspaces.
User can see the workspace and related objects in their scopes (i.e., to monitor the state of the workspace).
User cannot edit or delete anything within the workspace, including dashboards, tiles, scopes and KPIs. User cannot configure the workspace or its contents (e.g., change workspace name, change the ACL, configure notifications).
Editor User can do everything from Viewer level, but additionally can modify the workspace contents (dashboards, scopes, KPIs, notifications, etc.).
User can modify workspace properties, such as name.
User cannot modify the workspace ACL.
User cannot delete the workspace.
Full Control User can do anything with the workspace, including changing its ACL and deleting it.
Special access for administratorsAdministrators have special ‘administrative’ access to all workspaces. This means they see all workspaces listed under Settings > Workspaces, and they can modify workspace properties, including the ACL, for any workspace.
Administrators do not see all workspaces in the main dashboarding area of SquaredUp, and do not have any access to the contents of workspaces unless they add themselves to the workspace ACL.
SharingWhen Sharing is enabled for the organization the Sharing option is shown and can be enabled or disabled for the workspace. Sharing allows dashboards in the workspace to be shared with anyone. See Sharing
LinksPlease see Workspace linking for more information about links.
The Links section tells you how many other data sources and workspaces the new workspace will be linked to. Workspaces and data sources will automatically be linked to the new workspace based on their permission settings.
Select Show linked data sources and workspaces to view all of the data sources and workspaces that are linked to the new workspace.
You can remove linked data sources or workspaces by selecting x next to the desired data source or workspace.
You can add linked data sources or workspaces by typing their name.
Click Save.
Go to Settings > Workspaces.
Click the Delete icon next to the workspace that you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Displaying workspace state
Your Organization home page shows the state of each workspace.