Dashboard Packs
A dashboard pack is a zip file which allows you to import or export dashboards and perspectives. A dashboard pack contains files which allow the dashboard(s) to be imported and added to the menu structure, such as the dashboard JSON and images.
Key dashboard packs are imported when Dashboard Server is installed to get you started. These dashboard packs can contain several dashboards see
Further dashboard packs can be imported from the right-hand menu ☰ > Import Dashboard Packs or ☰ > System > Community Packs, by downloading the dashboard pack zip file from dashboards.squaredup.com and dropping it in the manual import box.
Dashboards packs available to import may have been created by SquaredUp, members of the SquaredUp Community or third-party partners.
You can personalize any dashboard from a dashboard pack by editing it after importing the pack. If during an upgrade an updated dashboard pack is added you will be prompted for each dashboardwhether you wish to keep your amended version, get the new version or keep both. See Dashboard pack upgrades.
You can also export your own dashboards as dashboard packs to share with the SquaredUp Community. Exporting each dashboard creates a dashboard pack.
Note: The export dashboard feature creates dashboard packs meant to be shared with the community. Those dashboard packs need to be reviewed and digitally signed by SquaredUp before they can be imported again. If you want to export a dashboard for your own use without the need for it to be signed, you can just copy the dashboard's JSON.
How to access the dashboard's JSON
Click on the
edit dashboard button
Click on the
edit JSON button.
You see the dashboard's JSON.
This article covers:
How to import a dashboard pack
You can import additional dashboard packs at any time from the top right hand menu ☰ > Import Dashboard Packs or System > Community Packs
You can search or browse the dashboard packs available, on dashboards.squaredup.com and then drag the downloaded dashboard pack zip file into the manual import box, as described below.
Download the dashboard pack zip file for the dashboard pack you wish to import.
There may be additional steps before or after the import to get the dashboard working in your environment.
In Community Edition go to the top right hand menu ☰ > Import Dashboard Packs and drag the zip file into the Manual Import box.
The dashboard pack is imported and if the pack contains top-level dashboards, these will automatically appear in the navigation bar, usually in a folder called 'Community Dashboards' for dashboard packs from the SquaredUp Community.
Carry out any additional steps required to make the dashboard work in your environment. These steps will be described on the download page for each dashboard. For example, you may need to create the correctly named Web API provider, create a PowerShell profile, or edit tile scopes.
Edit the imported dashboard as required.
How to export a dashboard
A dashboard can be exported as a zip file ready to upload and share with the SquaredUp Community. You must ensure that any private information is removed before submitting your dashboard pack, as SquaredUp is not responsible for removing personal data.
What is exported?
When files are exported to the dashboard pack zip file the original files are left untouched on your server.
All images on the dashboard are exported
Any PowerShell profiles referenced by the dashboard are exported.
Web API provider settings and credentials are NOT exported, so you will need to add a note that users need to create a Web API provider with the same name your uses.
Before you export
You may like to clone your original dashboard so you can edit it before export without affecting the original dashboard.
You must remove any private information before following exporting and submitting your dashboard.
Remove any proprietary images from the cloned dashboard before exporting.
Check and edit any private information contained in the dashboard, for example in headings or sub-headings.
Check any PowerShell profiles referenced by the dashboard, as these are copied to the zip file. Depending on your editing software, you may be able to edit the profile from within the dashboard pack zip file and save it back into the zip. Check the <downloads folder>\PsProfiles folder and edit any profiles before submission. If you edit the PowerShell profile in Dashboard Server this will affect any dashboard that uses this profile, so other dashboards may stop working if you remove or change information. PowerShell profiles will not be automatically imported, but can be used as a guide for users to create their own if required.
Exporting a dashboard
Note: The export dashboard feature creates dashboard packs meant to be shared with the community. Those dashboard packs need to be reviewed and digitally signed by SquaredUp before they can be imported again. If you want to export a dashboard for your own use without the need for it to be signed, you can just copy the dashboard's JSON.

Click on the
edit dashboard button
Click on the
edit JSON button.
You see the dashboard's JSON.
We recommend that you clone your original dashboard see How to create a dashboard
Edit the cloned dashboard to remove any private information in images, headings, sub-headings etc.
Publish your cloned dashboard. Only published dashboards can be exported.
Click the export dashboards button
The dashboard pack is saved as a zip file in your downloads folder with the format <dashboard name>.zip
Open the zip file and check the contents for private information:
Dashboards\<dashboard name>.json - this is the json content of your exported dashboard.
PsProfiles - this folder holds any PowerShell profiles linked from the dashboard. Depending on your editing software, you may be able to edit the profiles to remove secret information and save it back to the zip. PowerShell profiles are not automatically imported, but can be used as a guide for users to create their own if required.
Resources - this folder contains any images or SVG files used in the dashboard. You can double check that there aren't any you don't wish to share.
pack.json - this file contains version information and should not be edited.
When you are ready to submit your dashboard browse to dashboards.squaredup.com and complete the submission form. You will need the following:
Dashboard Title - This should be the product name, such as 'Forefront' or 'Exchange'.
Dashboard Subtitle - A short clarification of what the dashboard shows, such as 'Overview' or 'Health and Alerts'.
Dashboard Notes and Prerequisites - Describe the dashboard and anything another user needs to know. Any details or configuration that might be helpful, the data you've chosen to display and why. For example, consider whether you users will need:
A particular tile that not all product editions have, such as Web API, Web Content, Visio or PowerShell tile
Steps to configure an API provider, perhaps with a specific name
To create a PowerShell profile
To change the page or tile scope to their own group
Dashboard Pack Import and Export FAQs

Yes, dashboards are verified by SquaredUp moderators before they’re made publicly available. It is however your responsibility to remove any secret or proprietary information.

Yes, absolutely. For example, there may be a SharePoint dashboard that shows just Status and Alert information, and a separate dashboard that shows detailed Performance data for key SharePoint metrics. There may be multiple similar dashboards available for the same subject, meaning you can select the one that best meets your needs.

You must ensure that there’s no private information available in any images, Visio SVGs or PowerShell profiles used within your dashboards (for example, your company logo) or in the dashboard titles or sub-titles. Edit the cloned dashboard to remove any private information.
We’d suggest that the best procedure would be to; Clone your original dashboard, remove or re-title any private information, then 'export' and 'upload'.

When you export your dashboard from Dashboard Server it creates a ZIP file that contains the dashboard JSON together with any required resources. When you submit your dashboard pack to SquaredUp you will be asked for some additional information such as dashboard name and description. It is also important that you describe any prerequisites or settings that users will need to configure to get the dashboard to work effectively. For example, they may need a particular tile, a specifically named API provider or PowerShell profile, or to change the page or tile scope to their own group.

If the dashboard uses a Dashboard Server tile that isn't available in your edition then any tiles based on missing tiles will show an error message, and you can choose to remove the tile from the dashboard or upgrade your edition.
Dashboard pack upgrades
When you upgrade to Dashboard Server any upgraded dashboard packs will be imported.
If you haven't made any changes to the dashboards or perspectives being upgraded then they will be overwritten automatically.
If changes have been made to the dashboards or perspectives in the upgraded packs then you will be shown a Conflicts Detected page when logging in to Dashboard Server.
Conflicts Detected
The Conflicts Detected screen is shown if you have modified any dashboards or perspectives for which there are updated copies.
Modified dashboards or perspectives
If you have modified any dashboards or perspectives and there is an upgrade available for them then you will be asked which copy you want to keep. You can also choose to keep both copies.
Select the copy or copies you want to keep, then click next.
If you are unsure how to resolve a conflict you can click skip and come back to it later. If you don't resolve a conflict, then your existing copy remains visible and users won't see the new copy until the conflict is resolved.
You can return to the Pack Upgrade Conflicts Detected page any time by clicking on the notification from the right-hand menu ☰ > notifications. If you have dismissed the notification it will be in Dismissed Notifications at the bottom of the page. Or you can browse to https://<SquaredUpURL>/upgrade/conflict
If a dashboard has previously been enabled for Open Access, it will still be available in Open Access regardless of which copy you keep.
Deleted dashboards or perspectives
If you have deleted a dashboard or perspective, and there is an upgrade available for it, then you will be asked whether you want to add the new copy or not.
If you don't want to add the new copy then you can just click next.
If you want to add the new copy select it and then click next.
Troubleshooting dashboard packs
The first thing to do if you are experiencing any issues with dashboard packs is to force a reload of all dashboard packs.
To reload all dashboard packs and content from disk:
- In SquaredUp click on the top right hand menu ☰ > system > dashboards
- Click the reload button at the bottom of the page.
A dashboard or perspective is missing and listed as invalid
The dashboard or perspective may be missing from the navigation bar following an upgrade or dashboard migration, and listed as invalid on the dashboard packs page. This can occur when the dashboard is derived from a dashboard ID which doesn't exist. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:
On the SquaredUp server, open the Dashboard Server folder.
Where to find the Dashboard Server folder
Name of the Dashboard Server folder
The name of the Dashboard Server folder is
followed by theproduct version number
.Location of the Dashboard Server folder
If you deployed Dashboard Server via the Azure or AWS Marketplace :The default location for the Dashboard Server folder is
.SquaredUpv[Version Number]
For example, for Dashboard Server Community Edition v5 the default location isF:\SquaredUpv5
.If you installed Dashboard Server using the installer:
The default location for the Dashboard Server folder is
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUpv[Version Number]
, but a custom location may have been chosen during the installation.
For example, for Dashboard Server v5 the default folder location isC:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUpv5
Browse to the
folder and locate the dashboard or perspective. Published dashboards and perspectives are in theeveryone
folder, and dashboards in a Team Folder will be in a folder of the same name.Open the JSON file you require from either the dashboards or perspectives folder.
Scroll to the end of the file and change the
ID to be all zeros:"derivedFrom": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Save the file.
Open Dashboard Server in your browser.
From the right-hand menu ☰ click on system and then dashboards.
Click the reload button at the bottom of the page.
If you have any queries please contact SquaredUp Support.
The tile could not be found, you may be missing a dashboard pack
For help fixing this error see The tile could not be found, you may be missing a dashboard pack