Dashboard Pack - Team Presence
This article describes how to download a specific dashboard pack. You can download dashboard packs from dashboards.squaredup.com and learn more about how dashboard packs work here: Dashboard Packs
This dashboard displays an overview over the location of your team (office or home office), and also gives an overview on the teams status (available, offline, busy, presenting and so on).
How do I import and configure this dashboard?
Ensure you're using Dashboard Server v5.3 or above.
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Configure and run the client script.
This dashboard relies on a client script that creates one JSON file for each person you want to display. You need to configure the script with the values for your own Teams environment and then schedule it to run on the Teams server machine.
Note: To update the JSON file, simply leave the client running, it will update teams status when the logfile changes.Client script configuration
myguid Enter a random guid HomeIP Enter your home IP WorkIP Enter your office IP Name Name of the person to show on the dashboard ProfilePicture Web path to a profile picture(150x150) JsonPath Central path to store the json file in Client script
Copy# Schedule this script to run on the Teams server machine
$myguid = "Randomguid"
$HomeIP = "myhomeip"
$WorkIP = "myworkip"
$externaliP = (Invoke-WebRequest ipconfig.me).content
$Name = "mynamehere"
$ProfilePicture = "profileurl-in-png"
$JsonPath = "x:\sharedpresence\"
function DetectLocation {
param (
switch ($DetectediP) {
$homeip {"at home"}
$WorkIP {"at the Office"}
Default {"Unknown Location"}
function TranslateStatus {
param (
switch ($TeamsStatus) {
"Busy"{ "Critical" }
"DoNotDisturb"{ "Critical" }
"BeRightBack"{ "Unhealthy" }
"Away"{ "Unhealthy" }
"Offline" {"Unkown"}
"Available"{ "Healthy" }
"OnThePhone"{ "Critical" }
Default {"Unkown"}
Get-Content$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt -Wait -Tail 0 | where-object { $_-match"(?<=StatusIndicatorStateService: Added )(\w+)" } | foreach { if($matches[0] -ne"NewActivity") {
$Status = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = $name
Department = $Department
guid = $myguid
Clientlocation = DetectLocation($externaliP)
Teamsstatus = $matches[0]
State = TranslateStatus($matches[0])
ProfilePicture = $ProfilePicture
}}Download and import this dashboard pack.
How to import a dashboard pack
Download the dashboard pack zip file for the dashboard pack you wish to import.
There may be additional steps before or after the import to get the dashboard working in your environment.
In Community Edition go to the top right hand menu ☰ > Import Dashboard Packs and drag the zip file into the Manual Import box.
The dashboard pack is imported and if the pack contains top-level dashboards, these will automatically appear in the navigation bar, usually in a folder called 'Community Dashboards' for dashboard packs from the SquaredUp Community.
Carry out any additional steps required to make the dashboard work in your environment. These steps will be described on the download page for each dashboard. For example, you may need to create the correctly named Web API provider, create a PowerShell profile, or edit tile scopes.
Edit the imported dashboard as required.