Dashboard Pack - Plex
This article describes how to download a specific dashboard pack. You can download dashboard packs from dashboards.squaredup.com and learn more about how dashboard packs work here: Dashboard Packs
This Plex dashboard displays statistics from a Plex Media Server (PMS) library without launching the Plex app or webpage. Created using PowerShell tiles that target the Plex’s REST APIs and the PMS server.
How do I import and configure this dashboard?
Ensure you're using Dashboard Server v5.3 or above.
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Create a PowerShell profile in Dashboard Server with the following settings:
Name Plex
Note: The name is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as given here for the tiles to recognize the profile automatically. If you name it differently, you will need to select the profile manually for each tile on the dashboard.
Description (optional) Used to connect to a Plex Media Server
Script Copy and paste the contents of the PowerShell script below.
Note: You will need to change the values for the parameters
, and$ClientGUID
according to the description in the script.PowerShell profile scriptCopy#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Credentials for the Server that is Hosting Plex
$SrvUsername = $lSrvUsername # Login Credentials to check Services
$SrvPassword = $lSrvPassword # Password for credentials
$ServerIP = $lServerIP # IP of your Plex Server
# Credentials for Plex
$PlexUsername = $lPlexUsername # Your Plex username
$PlexPassword = $lPlexPassword # Your Plex password
# Constants
$tokenPath = "C:\SquaredUp\PlexToken.txt" # Path and Folder that holds token
$ClientGUID = '<insert your own GUID>' # Create your own GUID
$Product = 'SquaredUp' # Can be anything
$version = '' # Can be anything
# Credentials Function
functionNew-Credential([String]$UserName, [SecureString]$Password) {
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Username, $password
$credential = Get-Credential -Credential $Credentials
# Process Function
functionNew-Process([String]$name, [String]$state, [DateTime]$startTime, [String]$note) {
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $name
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name State -Value $state
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartTime -Value $startTime
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Note -Value $note
# Create credentials
$CredServer = New-Credential -UserName $SrvUsername -Password ($SrvPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
$CredPlex = New-Credential -UserName $PlexUsername -Password ($PlexPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
# Create Plex Certificate Address by retreiving the CertificateUUID from the Server
$CertificateUUID = (Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ServerIP -Credential $CredServer -ScriptBlock { Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Plex, Inc.\Plex Media Server' -Name "CertificateUUID" }).CertificateUUID
$PlexServer = "https://" + $ServerIP.Replace(".","-") + "." + $CertificateUUID + ".plex.direct:32400"
# Fetch the saved token from the file system
$token = Get-Content -Path $tokenPath
# API Parameters
$headers = @{
'accept' = 'application/json'
$chkBody = @{
'accept' = 'application/json'
'X-Plex-Product' = $Product
'X-Plex-Client-Identifier' = $ClientGUID
'X-Plex-Token' = $token
$authheader = @{
'X-Plex-Client-Identifier' = $ClientGUID
'X-Plex-Product' = $Product
'X-Plex-Version' = $version
'Authorization' = $CredPlex.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
'Accept' = 'application/json'
# Check if Auth Token is valid
Try {
$session = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $headers -Body $chkBody -Uri https://plex.tv/api/v2/user
$isValid = $true
catch {
Write-Host"Authorization token has expired or something else is wrong"
$isValid = $false
# If the token is invalid, request a new token
if ($isValid-eq$false) {
Try {
$uri = 'https://plex.tv/users/sign_in.json'
$session = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Credential $CredPlex -Headers $authheader
#Here is our new token
$token = $session.user.authentication_token
catch {
#Reset token because there was an error
$isValid = $true
#Save the token to the file system, but only if it is different
if ($isValid-eq$false) {
try {
# Attempt to save the new token
Set-Content -Path $tokenPath -Value $token
catch {
# There was a failure, try one more time but wait a couple of seconds
$rnd = Get-Random -Minimum 500 -Maximum 2000
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $rnd
Set-Content -Path $tokenPath -Value $token
$headers = @{
'accept' = 'application/json'
'x-Plex-Token' = $token
# Spread the Plex Love!
# Begin Dashboard TilesHow to create a PowerShell profile- From the top right hand menu ☰ click system.
- Go to the PowerShell tab.
- Click add new profile.
- Enter a name and a description for the new profile.
- Enter the profile script.
- Click add profile.
The profile is now saved and can be used in a PowerShell tile.
For more help creating a PowerShell profile see How to use the PowerShell tile
Create a Run As account in Dashboard Server with the following settings:
Name Dashboard
Username and password Enter the credentials you want to use for this Run As account
What is a Run As account?PowerShell Run As accounts contain the credentials that define the permissions deciding how PowerShell scripts are run (both the script in the tile and the profile script chosen for the tile).The PowerShell Run As account Default comes with every Dashboard Server installation and uses the Dashboard Server app pool identity to run the scripts. Since running PowerShell scripts within the Dashboard Server application pool process can pose a security risk and affect Dashboard Server performance, you can change the default Run As to use a different account.
You can also add new Run As accounts to be able to execute scripts with different credentials.
How to create a Run As accountFrom the top right hand menu ☰ click system.
Go to the PowerShell tab.
In the Run As section, click on the + button to add a new Run As.
Enter a name and a description for your new Run As.
Note: Once you have saved the Run As account, you can't change its name anymore. You can always change the description.
Enter the user credentials you want to use for this Run As account.
Do not use your own or anyone's personal user account for Run As accounts. Instead, create a new account that is not used by a specific person (a "service account"), but only used for running PowerShell scripts. Consider the permissions of this service account carefully.
Required permissions for service accounts:
The service account you use for Run As must have at least the following permission:
Allow log on locally
Note for Run As accounts if you are using any other application pool identity than NetworkServiceIf you don't use the default NetworkService as your application pool identity, you might see the following error message when using Run As accounts: A required privilege is not held by the client.
In this case you need to add the application pool identity to the following policies:
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Replace a process-level token (you need to reboot the server for this policy to take effect)
Why shouldn't you use user accounts for Run As accounts?The user credentials you enter for the Run As account are used to run all PowerShell scripts in tiles that use the Run As account. Once created, your Run As account can be used by other Dashboard Server administrators to run their scripts. By using your or any user's credentials, you lose control over which scripts are executed in the name of this user which can cause privacy issues. In addition to that, users often have more rights than a script would need. By using a user account with extensive permissions, scripts that use the Run As can exploit those permissions.
Click save to save the new Run As account.
The Run As account is now available in PowerShell tiles and can be used to execute scripts.
Best practices for Run As accounts1) For all Run As accounts: Use a service account, not a user account for Run As accounts.
Do not use your own or anyone's personal user account for Run As accounts. Instead, create a new account that is not used by a specific person (a "service account"), but only used for running PowerShell scripts. Consider the permissions of this service account carefully.
Required permissions for service accounts:
The service account you use for Run As must have at least the following permission:
Allow log on locally
Note for Run As accounts if you are using any other application pool identity than NetworkServiceIf you don't use the default NetworkService as your application pool identity, you might see the following error message when using Run As accounts: A required privilege is not held by the client.
In this case you need to add the application pool identity to the following policies:
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Replace a process-level token (you need to reboot the server for this policy to take effect)
Why shouldn't you use user accounts for Run As accounts?The user credentials you enter for the Run As account are used to run all PowerShell scripts in tiles that use the Run As account. Once created, your Run As account can be used by other Dashboard Server administrators to run their scripts. By using your or any user's credentials, you lose control over which scripts are executed in the name of this user which can cause privacy issues. In addition to that, users often have more rights than a script would need. By using a user account with extensive permissions, scripts that use the Run As can exploit those permissions.
How to create a new Run As accountFrom the top right hand menu ☰ click system.
Go to the PowerShell tab.
In the Run As section, click on the + button to add a new Run As.
Enter a name and a description for your new Run As.
Note: Once you have saved the Run As account, you can't change its name anymore. You can always change the description.
Enter the user credentials you want to use for this Run As account.
Do not use your own or anyone's personal user account for Run As accounts. Instead, create a new account that is not used by a specific person (a "service account"), but only used for running PowerShell scripts. Consider the permissions of this service account carefully.
Required permissions for service accounts:
The service account you use for Run As must have at least the following permission:
Allow log on locally
Note for Run As accounts if you are using any other application pool identity than NetworkServiceIf you don't use the default NetworkService as your application pool identity, you might see the following error message when using Run As accounts: A required privilege is not held by the client.
In this case you need to add the application pool identity to the following policies:
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Replace a process-level token (you need to reboot the server for this policy to take effect)
Why shouldn't you use user accounts for Run As accounts?The user credentials you enter for the Run As account are used to run all PowerShell scripts in tiles that use the Run As account. Once created, your Run As account can be used by other Dashboard Server administrators to run their scripts. By using your or any user's credentials, you lose control over which scripts are executed in the name of this user which can cause privacy issues. In addition to that, users often have more rights than a script would need. By using a user account with extensive permissions, scripts that use the Run As can exploit those permissions.
Click save to save the new Run As account.
The Run As account is now available in PowerShell tiles and can be used to execute scripts.
2) We strongly recommend you change the Default Run As account to the credentials you want to use as the default Run As.
Every PowerShell tile needs a Run As and if you haven't created a Run As yet, tiles will use the Default Run As. The Default Run As uses the Dashboard Server app pool to run scripts. The Dashboard Server app pool account might grant too many permissions that are not needed for your scripts and can potentially damage your system, which is why using this default account is not recommended. Create a service account that you want to use for the Default Run As and change the Default Run As to use those credentials.
How to change the Default Run As accountFrom the top right hand menu ☰ click system.
Go to the PowerShell tab.
You see the Default Run As. If you haven't changed the Default Run As account yet, you see a yellow icon indicating that the Run As uses the not recommended default setting "run as Dashboard Server app pool".
Click on the Default Run As to edit it.
As long as the Run as Dashboard Server app pool toggle is on, the Default Run As is read only.
Switch the Run as Dashboard Server app pool toggle to off.
Change the description to indicate that the Default Run As no longer uses the Dashboard Server app pool.
Enter the user credentials you want to use for the Default Run As.
Do not use your own or anyone's personal user account for Run As accounts. Instead, create a new account that is not used by a specific person (a "service account"), but only used for running PowerShell scripts. Consider the permissions of this service account carefully.
Required permissions for service accounts:
The service account you use for Run As must have at least the following permission:
Allow log on locally
Note for Run As accounts if you are using any other application pool identity than NetworkServiceIf you don't use the default NetworkService as your application pool identity, you might see the following error message when using Run As accounts: A required privilege is not held by the client.
In this case you need to add the application pool identity to the following policies:
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Replace a process-level token (you need to reboot the server for this policy to take effect)
Why shouldn't you use user accounts for Run As accounts?The user credentials you enter for the Run As account are used to run all PowerShell scripts in tiles that use the Run As account. Once created, your Run As account can be used by other Dashboard Server administrators to run their scripts. By using your or any user's credentials, you lose control over which scripts are executed in the name of this user which can cause privacy issues. In addition to that, users often have more rights than a script would need. By using a user account with extensive permissions, scripts that use the Run As can exploit those permissions.
Click save to save the changes.
The Default Run As profile now uses the user account you entered when executing scripts.
3) Consider disabling the option to use the Dashboard Server app pool for the Default Run As.
To make sure that the Dashboard Server app pool can't be used after you changed the Default Run As, you can disable the option to use the Dashboard Server App pool.
How to disable the "run as app pool" option for the Default Run As accountBy default, the toggle Run as Dashboard Server app pool is visible in the Default Run As account. By setting this toggle to on, the Default Run As can be (re)set to use the Dashboard Server app pool to run scripts. Dashboard Serveradministrators can disable the toggle to prevent that the Dashboard Serverapp pool can be used for running PowerShell scripts.
If you haven't already done it, change the Default Run As from using the Dashboard Server app pool to using the credentials you want to use.
Note: If you disable the toggle Run as Dashboard Server app pool while the Default Run As still uses the Dashboard Server app pool (toggle on), the credentials in the Default Run As will be empty and any PowerShell tiles using the Default Run As will show an error. You need to go into the Default Run As and enter the credentials you want to use to fix this issue.
How to change the Default Run AsFrom the top right hand menu ☰ click system.
Go to the PowerShell tab.
You see the Default Run As. If you haven't changed the Default Run As account yet, you see a yellow icon indicating that the Run As uses the not recommended default setting "run as Dashboard Server app pool".
Click on the Default Run As to edit it.
As long as the Run as Dashboard Server app pool toggle is on, the Default Run As is read only.
Switch the Run as Dashboard Server app pool toggle to off.
Change the description to indicate that the Default Run As no longer uses the Dashboard Server app pool.
Enter the user credentials you want to use for the Default Run As.
Do not use your own or anyone's personal user account for Run As accounts. Instead, create a new account that is not used by a specific person (a "service account"), but only used for running PowerShell scripts. Consider the permissions of this service account carefully.
Required permissions for service accounts:
The service account you use for Run As must have at least the following permission:
Allow log on locally
Note for Run As accounts if you are using any other application pool identity than NetworkServiceIf you don't use the default NetworkService as your application pool identity, you might see the following error message when using Run As accounts: A required privilege is not held by the client.
In this case you need to add the application pool identity to the following policies:
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Replace a process-level token (you need to reboot the server for this policy to take effect)
Why shouldn't you use user accounts for Run As accounts?The user credentials you enter for the Run As account are used to run all PowerShell scripts in tiles that use the Run As account. Once created, your Run As account can be used by other Dashboard Server administrators to run their scripts. By using your or any user's credentials, you lose control over which scripts are executed in the name of this user which can cause privacy issues. In addition to that, users often have more rights than a script would need. By using a user account with extensive permissions, scripts that use the Run As can exploit those permissions.
Click save to save the changes.
The Default Run As profile now uses the user account you entered when executing scripts.
On the SquaredUp server, run Notepad as administrator (Start, Run, type
, and then right-click and select Run as administrator).In Notepad, open the
file from the Dashboard Server folder:...\User\Configuration\security.json
If the file doesn't exist, create it by following these steps and saving the file as
at the end.Where to find the Dashboard Server folderName of the Dashboard Server folder
The name of the Dashboard Server folder is
followed by theproduct version number
.Location of the Dashboard Server folder
If you deployed Dashboard Server via the Azure or AWS Marketplace :The default location for the Dashboard Server folder is
.SquaredUpv[Version Number]
For example, for Dashboard Server Community Edition v5 the default location isF:\SquaredUpv5
.If you installed Dashboard Server using the installer:
The default location for the Dashboard Server folder is
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUpv[Version Number]
, but a custom location may have been chosen during the installation.
For example, for Dashboard Server v5 the default folder location isC:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUpv5
Edit the JSON file to contain the following property:
"enable-powershell-run-as-app-pool": false
}If the file already contains settings, then you will need to add a comma at the end of the previous line.
- Save the JSON file.
Recycle the Dashboard Server application pool.
The toggle Run as Dashboard Server app pool is now disabled and hidden. It is not possible to (re)set the Default Run As to use the Dashboard Server app pool anymore.
4) Consider creating different service accounts for running different scripts, depending on what their purpose is and what permissions they need. Save each service account as a different Run As account in Dashboard Server.
Download and import this dashboard pack.
How to import a dashboard packDownload the dashboard pack zip file for the dashboard pack you wish to import.
There may be additional steps before or after the import to get the dashboard working in your environment.
In Community Edition go to the top right hand menu ☰ > Import Dashboard Packs and drag the zip file into the Manual Import box.
The dashboard pack is imported and if the pack contains top-level dashboards, these will automatically appear in the navigation bar, usually in a folder called 'Community Dashboards' for dashboard packs from the SquaredUp Community.
Carry out any additional steps required to make the dashboard work in your environment. These steps will be described on the download page for each dashboard. For example, you may need to create the correctly named Web API provider, create a PowerShell profile, or edit tile scopes.
Edit the imported dashboard as required.
Edit the PowerShell tiles if necessary.
Based on your environment and the fields retrieved by your SQL queries you might need to adapt the script in the PowerShell tiles.
Edit the tiles by clicking the Edit button.
Open the script panel.
Edit the script according to your environment.
Publish the dashboard.
How to publish a dashboardA newly created dashboard will not be visible to others until you publish it. If you made changes to an existing dashboard, the changes will only be visible to others after you published the dashboard again.
You can identify a dashboard that has not been published yet or has unpublished changes by the unpublished button at the top:
When you click on the unpublished button, you'll have two options:
Publish will make the dashboard or changes visible to others.
Note: A newly created dashboard will appear on the menu where you created it. To move the dashboard to a different place on the navigation bar see How to edit the Navigation Bar.Discard will delete your draft dashboard if it has never been published or, if you made changes to an already published dashboard, discard the changes.
Publishing dashboards to different audiences
Find out how to publish dashboards to a subset of users using
Team Folders (Enterprise edition) or visible to anyone even unlicensed users with(Sharing Dashboards with anyone - Open Access) .