How to install Dashboard Server Azure Edition using the installer
Which installation method should I choose?
There are several options for installing Dashboard Server Azure Edition:
Deployment via the Azure Marketplace
Installation via the installer
The easiest way to install Dashboard Server Azure Edition is via the Azure Marketplace.
Use the installer if you don't want to use the Marketplace (for example, because you want to install Dashboard Server Azure Edition on an existing Azure virtual machine, a VM outside of the tenant you're connecting to, on a non-Azure machine, or because of security factors).
For step-by-step information about deploying Dashboard Server from the Azure Marketplace see How to deploy Dashboard Server Azure Edition from the Azure Marketplace
This articles covers how to install Dashboard Server Azure Edition for the first time using the installer.
If you have an earlier version of Dashboard Server Azure Edition already installed, then the installer will update your installation.
Step by step guides on how to update Dashboard Server Azure Edition:
For upgrades to minor versions:
For upgrades to major versions:
What you need
- Your Dashboard Server Azure Edition license activation key. You will have received this by email following your purchase or free trial.
- A server to install on (see below)
A compatible browser (make sure the server's default browser is not set to Internet Explorer)
Your Azure tenant ID
An Azure Active Directory global admin account, or account that can deploy applications to Azure Active Directory (AD).
Dashboard Server works best with the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari on desktop & mobile.
On Dashboard Server v5 Internet Explorer is not supported. Older browsers may show a blank page.
On Dashboard Server v4 Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions are not supported.
A restart of the server may be required.
Where to install
Dashboard Server Azure Edition can be installed on any Windows Server in your environment. The setup application will automatically install IIS and any other pre-requisites
The location of the SquaredUp server has no bearing on the Azure resources you will be able to see and dashboard in Dashboard Server. You will be able to select the relevant Azure tenant during the setup process.
As Internet Explorer is not supported, check that another browser is set as the server's default browser (search Windows > default apps).
Here is what we recommend:
- Ideally, provision a new server dedicated to hosting Dashboard Server
For more information, see Server Spec and Sizing
What we create
- Dashboard Server has a number of prerequisites that will be automatically installed by the setup process (e.g. the IIS Web Server role)
- A read-only Azure application in your Azure AD that will populate your dashboards by querying Azure APIs.
- The installer makes some changes to Azure Active Directory to give Dashboard Server permission to access the Graph API. These steps occur automatically. To read about what modifications are made during setup and why please see Reference - Azure Active Directory modifications.
Run the installer
On the server that you want to run Dashboard Server, run the installer .exe.
Click Next
Accept the License Agreement and click Install.
Prerequisites will be installed if not installed already.
A restart of the server may be required.
If your server has restarted the install should resume when the server restarts, but you may need to click Deploy Dashboard Server
for Azure from the Start menu.Check the deployment type says New installation and click Next.
If the installer detects a version of Azure Edition is already installed then it will default to an In-Place upgrade, meaning that it will upgrade the current Azure Edition instance. See How to upgrade Dashboard Server Azure Edition.
Check the installation details and click next.
On the Configure Dashboard Server Azure Edition screen you must enter your Azure Tenant ID and confirm the Redirect URI.
Enter your Azure Tenant ID.
You can find your tenant ID from the Azure portal: Azure Active Directory > Tenant ID and clicking the Copy to clipboard button.
Before proceeding you must check and confirm the Redirect URI.
The Redirect URI should be the address using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that you will use to access Azure Edition once deployed. By default the machine name you are installing on is shown, but you may need to add or change the domain details to ensure that this is the correct FQDN. If you have another address that you use to browse to SquaredUp for Azure, for example in your bindings, in DNS or via your load balancer, you should use this. This can be changed at a later date (How to change the hostname / domain).
Click Next or Deploy.
If SSL is not already configured for the chosen website, then the Configure SSL Binding page will appear. You will need to choose
how you want to configurethe SSL certificate.Azure Edition will only work using HTTPS. Existing Certificate Use this option to choose an existing SSL certificate. Create Self-Signed Certificate The installer will create a new self-signed certificate, set to expire after 12 months. Configure Later While you can choose to configure the certificate later, please note that Azure Edition will not work until HTTPS is configured with a SSL certificate. For more information about these options see How to configure TLS/SSL (HTTPS)
Check the hostname is correct, and click Deploy.
Once the deployment is complete click Finish.
Logon to Dashboard Server for the first time
Clicking Finish at the end of the installation will open Dashboard Server Azure Edition in a browser.
If Azure Edition does not open automatically, you will need to correct the URI (see How to change the hostname / domain) and then you must browse to this address to run the Dashboard Server setup wizard.
If the browser appears blank when browsing to Dashboard Server, ensure the server's default browser is not set to Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported. To check your default browser, search Windows > default apps.

Dashboard Server works best with the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari on desktop & mobile.
On Dashboard Server v5 Internet Explorer is not supported. Older browsers may show a blank page.
On Dashboard Server v4 Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions are not supported.
Before you can get started, Dashboard Server Azure Edition has to complete some final configuration of your environment, such as activating your license
Dashboard Server setup wizard
If you are not able to log in with an account that is an Azure Active Directory global admin account, or an account that can deploy applications to Azure Active Directory (AD), you will not be able to complete the setup wizard. You can ask a global admin user to run the wizard or to follow the article: How to manually configure Dashboard Server Azure Edition.
Browse to Dashboard Server Azure Edition and the Dashboard Server setup wizard will appear.
On the Azure AD screen click the Setup button to configure the Azure Active Directory.
Next we need to add the Dashboard Server setup application to Azure AD. This application is created using the Microsoft device login process and impersonates the current user.
Information about the Dashboard Server Setup enterprise application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
During the setup process you will be prompted to grant permissions to Dashboard ServerAzure Setup to use permissions from your Azure and Microsoft accounts.
In order to access Azure data and authenticate users, your SquaredUp server will need its own unique AD application specific to your Azure tenant.
The Dashboard Server Azure Setup application obtains the permissions necessary to automatically create such an AD application:
- The Azure Setup AD application is added to your Azure tenant
- The setup wizard uses the application's permissions to create a new AD application unique to your SquaredUp server
- The SquaredUp server uses its unique AD application to access Azure data and perform user authentication
Permissions requested
This setup application requests the following permissions from whomever logs into their Microsoft account during the setup process:
- Access to the directory as the current user
- Impersonation of the current user to access Azure service management
- Sign in and read the profile of the current user
These are the permissions required to create a subsequent AD application for the SquaredUp server.
Granting consent for your organization is unnecessary unless you want to set up multiple SquaredUp servers.
Permission removal
Once Dashboard Server has been set up, you are free to delete this application ("Dashboard Server for Azure Setup") from your directory by using the Azure portal.
In the portal this application is typically visible in the "Enterprise Applications" blade.
This application is only used to setup Dashboard Server and does not affect its operation. It ceases to have any permissions within your tenant as soon as it is removed.
You will see the message Awaiting authorization... and should follow the steps as described below.
Click the copy link to copy the authorization code.
- Click on the URL on the screen (in step two) which opens the address in a new tab.
Paste in the copied code and click next.
On the Microsoft Sign in or Pick an account screen login with the Azure AD admin account you wish to use to deploy the Dashboard Server setup application.
You may need to ask a global admin user to run the wizard or to follow the article: How to manually configure Dashboard Server Azure Edition.
You should see a message confirming that you have signed in to the Dashboard Server Azure Edition Setup application. Close this tab.
Return to the tab showing the Dashboard Server setup screen. After a few seconds it should say that Dashboard Server is correctly configured for Azure AD Authentication.
You will see the message 'Starting...' and then a Microsoft screen Permissions requested.
Tip: Copy the name of the SquaredUp Enterprise Application with its GUID and save it for later use. If you have several Dashboard Server instances it may be useful later to paste this in to the Azure portal when configuring Open Access or making users Dashboard Server administrators.A privileged user will see a checkbox to 'Consent on behalf of your organization'. Enabling this will grant these permissions for all users and disable this dialog for future first time logins.
Information about the SquaredUp Enterprise Application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
The setup application creates an enterprise application specific to your current server. If you deployed via Marketplace the application is named in the form
SquaredUpAzure on <hostname>
. If you used the installer the application is named in the formSquaredUpAzure<GUID>
.This is the application that the Dashboard Server web application uses to authenticate users. Each user that logs into Dashboard Server shares the following permissions with the SquaredUp server:
- Impersonation of the current user to access Azure service management
- Reading all directory data
- Reading all groups
- Sign in and read the profile of the current user
- Read all user's basic profiles
All of these permissions are delegated: Dashboard Server cannot make use of them if the signed in user does not already have them.
Let's Encrypt is a trademark of the Internet Security Research Group. All rights reserved.
- Click Accept to allow Dashboard Server to access Azure as you.
You will be returned to the Dashboard Server setup wizard at the Activation screen.
You will have received your activation key by email following your purchase or free trial. Paste this key in now, and click Activate. If you have not received a license key please contact SquaredUp Support.
Click Import to install the default dashboards and perspectives.
Dashboard Server Azure Edition will then open.
The newly-created Dashboard Server Azure enterprise application will now need to be modified in order to assign the "Dashboard ServerAdministrator" role to the relevant users (or groups) that will administer Dashboard Server, see How to make a user a Dashboard Server administrator. If this is not completed then only the account that deployed Dashboard Server will be able to manage Dashboard Server.
Next steps
- Take a look at the Dashboard Server v5 playlist on YouTube.
- Manage which users can access Dashboard Server: How to manage Named Users
- Set up a Dashboard Server administrator(s). To manage Dashboard Server you will need to be a Dashboard Server administrator, see How to make a user a Dashboard Server administrator
- Give dashboard authors permission to create dashboards. A Dashboard Server administrator will need to give users or groups author permission to a Team Folder, within which they can create and edit dashboards. See Team Folders
- Get access to your API data: How to add a Web API provider
- Configure Open Access dashboards. Open Access enables easy sharing of dashboards, that do not require authentication to view. See Sharing Dashboards with anyone - Open Access
- Create your first dashboard: How to create a dashboard

If you upgraded from Azure Edition v4.4 to v4.5 you will see two 'Deploy SquaredUp' tools on the Windows Start menu. You should use the v4.5 'Deploy SquaredUp For Azure' deploy tool, and ignore the older 'Deploy SquaredUp' tool.
The Deploy tool is added by the installer and allows you to jump into the installer to the point where you can deploy an instance of Dashboard Server. It is used if your server had to restart during the installation and the installer didn't restart automatically. It can also be used to deploy further instances of that version of Dashboard Server.
'Deploy SquaredUp for Azure' - this is the deploy tool for Dashboard Server v4.5 and is the one you should use.
'Deploy SquaredUp' - this is the deploy tool for Dashboard Server v4.4, which you can ignore.
If you wish to install a further instance of Azure Edition you can run the deploy tool from Start > SquaredUp for Azure > Deploy SquaredUp for Azure.
Many license keys only allow one activation, so you may need to contact SquaredUp Support for assistance.

If you upgraded from Azure Edition v4.4 to v4.5 you will see two uninstallers for Azure Edition:
SquaredUp 4.4
SquaredUp for Azure 4.5
To remove all instances of Azure Edition you should run the 4.5 uninstaller first, then the 4.4 uninstaller. This will clean up the files from the v4.5 installation and the old v4.4 installation location.

You are using multi-factor authentication (MFA) and users see this error when trying to log in to Dashboard Server:
HTTP Error 500 (Static)
"This error is triggered by ASP.NET and likely indicated a configuration problem rather than a runtime error in SquaredUp itself"
This error can be caused by using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for the Microsoft Azure Management application.
The solution is to create a similar Conditional Access policy requiring multi-factor authentication for the SquaredUpAzure enterprise application (or, if preferred, to add the SquaredUpAzure enterprise application to the existing Microsoft Azure Management MFA Conditional Access policy).
For more information see Microsoft Create a Conditional Access Policy
Submit a request
If configuration fails, a large volume of diagnostic text will be produced, followed by a red failure message. If you experience this, please submit a request and we can help diagnose the cause.
Note that the diagnostic text may reveal sensitive details - such as your username, installed AD applications and IDs. Please be conscious of this when sending us details - for example, it is not appropriate to send us this text over email.
Reference - Azure Active Directory modifications
This reference section specifies what modifications are made during setup and why. These steps occur automatically.
Dashboard Server Setup enterprise application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
During the setup process you will be prompted to grant permissions to Dashboard ServerAzure Setup to use permissions from your Azure and Microsoft accounts.
In order to access Azure data and authenticate users, your SquaredUp server will need its own unique AD application specific to your Azure tenant.
The Dashboard Server Azure Setup application obtains the permissions necessary to automatically create such an AD application:
- The Azure Setup AD application is added to your Azure tenant
- The setup wizard uses the application's permissions to create a new AD application unique to your SquaredUp server
- The SquaredUp server uses its unique AD application to access Azure data and perform user authentication
Permissions requested
This setup application requests the following permissions from whomever logs into their Microsoft account during the setup process:
- Access to the directory as the current user
- Impersonation of the current user to access Azure service management
- Sign in and read the profile of the current user
These are the permissions required to create a subsequent AD application for the SquaredUp server.
Granting consent for your organization is unnecessary unless you want to set up multiple SquaredUp servers.
Permission removal
Once Dashboard Server has been set up, you are free to delete this application ("Dashboard Server for Azure Setup") from your directory by using the Azure portal.
In the portal this application is typically visible in the "Enterprise Applications" blade.
This application is only used to setup Dashboard Server and does not affect its operation. It ceases to have any permissions within your tenant as soon as it is removed.
SquaredUp Enterprise Application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
The setup application creates an enterprise application specific to your current server. If you deployed via Marketplace the application is named in the form SquaredUpAzure on <hostname>
. If you used the installer the application is named in the form SquaredUpAzure<GUID>
This is the application that the Dashboard Server web application uses to authenticate users. Each user that logs into Dashboard Server shares the following permissions with the SquaredUp server:
- Impersonation of the current user to access Azure service management
- Reading all directory data
- Reading all groups
- Sign in and read the profile of the current user
- Read all user's basic profiles
All of these permissions are delegated: Dashboard Server cannot make use of them if the signed in user does not already have them.
Let's Encrypt is a trademark of the Internet Security Research Group. All rights reserved.