I've received a license expiry notification
I've received a license expiry notificationIf you've received a notification in Dashboard Server that your license is...
"Your current license does not include the use of the EA Designer"
"Your current license does not include the use of the EA Designer"Symptoms"Your current license does not include the ...
Collecting diagnostic information
Collecting diagnostic informationDashboard Server provides two scripts and may ask you to run one or both of these:Th...
This key has expired
This key has expiredSymptomsWhen activating Dashboard Server you see the following message:"This key has expired"Proc...
The activation key you have entered is incompatible with this version of Dashboard Server
The activation key you have entered is incompatible with this version of Dashboard ServerSymptomsWhen activating Dash...
An error occurred: The key provided is invalid. Activation keys must consist of at least 5 groups of letters and digits
An error occurred: The key provided is invalid. Activation keys must consist of at least 5 groups of letters and digi...
"License already activated" or "Maximum activations reached"
"License already activated" or "Maximum activations reached"SymptomsWhen activating Dashboard Server you see:"License...
How to check which license key is being used
How to check which license key is being usedEach Dashboard Server instance should have only oneDashboard Server licen...
Where to find log files
Where to find log filesHelp us speed up troubleshootingSquaredUp Support may ask you to send the Dashboard Server log...
Operations Manager 2012 Data Warehouse Health Check Script
Operations Manager 2012 Data Warehouse Health Check ScriptDashboard Server asked Tao Yang to build a Health Check too...